2023/12/302023/12/30Online Meetings 31 December 2023 Sunday Meeting 主日聚会 English Meeting There is no streaming for the Breaking of Bread Meeting. This Sunday is fellowship meeting. There is no live streaming. 中文聚会 中文聚会将于11点开始。本主日是交通聚会,直播暂停一次。
2023/12/272024/01/04Special Meetings 2023 Family Conference 家庭特会 主题:摩西的故事讲员:刘志雄 标题 下载 信息 1: 拯救者的诞生 mp3 讨论题 信息 2: 出埃及的王子 mp3 讨论题 信息 3: 燃烧的荆棘 mp3 讨论题 信息 4: 伟大的我是 mp3 问题解答 Q&A mp3
2023/12/162023/12/17Online Meetings 17 December 2023 Sunday Meeting 主日聚会 English Meeting There is no English Meeting this Sunday because we are having Weekend Away. 中文聚会